


「residence permit」の意味(noun)

品詞(英単語での分類): 名詞



More people are working in the country – with or without a residence permit.

参考:「residence permit」の例文一覧

Her residence permit had been extended, but she still needed to complete paperwork in order to marry, which could take up to two weeks.
彼女の居住許可は延長されましたが、結婚するために書類を作成する必要があり、最大で 2 週間かかる可能性がありました。
Non-citizens may be issued such numbers when they enter the country, or when granted a temporary or permanent residence permit .
The residence permit will also be endorsed to say that the permit can be withdrawn if the applicant applies for public welfare benefits.
A month later, an extension to his residence permit was declined.
1 か月後、彼の居住許可の延長は拒否されました。
A short time before, an application for residence permit was denied on grounds that he was deported.
For periods longer than three months, a residence permit is needed.
In 2009, no foreign victims requested a residence permit .
2009 年には、居住許可を要求した外国人被害者はいませんでした。
Once there, she requested political asylum and obtained a residence permit .
Since 2003 foreign religious missionaries have been exempt from the residence permit tax.
2003 年以来、外国の宗教宣教師は居住許可税を免除されています。
The residence permit will be issued on a renewable basis for two years.
滞在許可証は、2 年間の更新ベースで発行されます。





residence permitの実際の意味・ニュアンス(居住許可?滞在許可証?居留証?在留許可?)を理解して、正しく使いましょう!

On his death Innocent Oseghale, a Nigerian 29enne already known to the police, was arrested in Italy with an expired residence permit.
Warmly welcomed by G.M company’s representative, they quickly adapted with new environment and were on their way to do a medical checkup and a test to receive international welding certificate, also a residence permit for 2 years in Romania.
All EU nationals can apply for a residence permit before having a residential address in Denmark, so no need to wait till you have found a flat or house.
Subsequently, the employee will be called by the Immigration Office to sign the immigration agreement and the application for a residence permit.
For the second claim, the student must provide student ID card, photocopy of the passport, residence permit (ARC), etc.
Who moves abroad, sends the Data protection service center in addition to the written notice a copy of the foreign employment contract or residence permit for.If there exists a remaining balance on their own account in the deactivation of the SIM card, the customer can simyo this course pay off.
海外で動く人、書面による通知のための外国人の雇用契約や居留証のコピーに加えて、データ保護サービスセンターに送信します。 SIMカードの停止中に、自分のアカウントの残高が存在する場合、顧客はこのコースが完済simyoことができます。
The income of citizenship will also go to foreign citizens of non-European countries holding a residence permit and residing in Italy for at least five years.
外国人の章 市民権の収入は、居住許可を持ち、少なくとも5年間イタリアに居住する非ヨーロッパ諸国の外国人市民にもあてはまります。
Without a passport or residence permit, a refugee who fled from the Taliban in Afghanistan has been receiving illegal counseling and future advice on healing at this facility.
Mallah Hamza’s ties to Rotary have also helped him obtain a long-term residence permit and a driver’s license, both of which are crucial documents as he starts a new life.
In case of stays longer than three months, and in any case in case they are in possession of a D-type visa, non-EU foreign citizens must apply for a residence permit within 8 working days from their entry in Italy.
Once the Japanese worker will be entered Italy with the visa, he will have to bear within 8 days at the Immigration Office to bring the necessary documents and then wait for the arrival of a residence permit.
該当の駐在員はビザを持ってイタリアに入国後、8日間以 内に移民局へ必要書類を提出し、その後、滞在許可証が発行されるのを待ちます。
Vehicles that are owned by foreigners obtaining a Taiwan’s residence permit, can be used for people with disabilities are free, and meet other relevant regulations are exempt from license tax.
Without the adhesion of London to the regime of freedom of movement, which would allow an exit, to some extent, mitigated by Europe, EU citizens would be equivalent to other foreign and probably subject to limits on the residence permit and the possibility of exercising work on English soil.
Residence and living requirements The applicant must be jointly: Union citizen or his family member who is the holder of the right of residence or the right of permanent residence, or a third-country national holding an EU residence permit for long-term residents; resident in Italy, continuously, for at least two years at the time of submitting the application.
住居と生活条件 申請者は共同して以下の条件を満たす必要があります。 居住権または永住権の所有者である連合市民またはその家族、または長期滞在者のためのEU居住許可を有する第三国国民; イタリアに居住し、申請書を提出した時点で少なくとも2年間継続しています。
In addition to the standard tam tam, to enroll foreign athletes not in compliance with the residence permit with the name borrowed from the basketball team of Castelvolturno, there are funds to promote the nursery of young players.
The details are as follows: Foreigner nationals as referred in article 1. and 2. below are given permission to stay visits, for a period of 30 (thirty) days, and cannot be extended or converted into any other residence permit.
但し、詳細は以下の通りとする: 以下の第1項及び第2項に記載する国または特別行政区の国籍所有者は30日間インドネシア国内に滞在することができるが、延長不可、またいかなる居住許可にも変換不可である。
One of today’s investigators, residing in Tivoli, gave them an essential contribution by taking care of the removal of girls from the structure where they were placed on arrival, the start of the bureaucratic procedure for the issue of residence permit and then transfer them to the two sisters residing in Catania.
In the face of around 1,8 millions of families living below the poverty line, the audience with the requisites to access citizenship income and pension would be over 1 million and 375 thousand households, including those of foreigners if they are residents of at least 5 years and in possession of a residence permit – about 200 thousand families.
貧困線以下で生活しているおよそ1,8何百万もの家族に直面して、市民権収入と年金にアクセスするための必要条件を持つ観客は1 100万と375千世帯を超えます。 居住許可を持って - 約5千家族。
This Agreement establishes the legal framework to permit nationals of the sending country who possess valid visas to stay in the receiving county as a participant of the working holiday program or a temporary residence permit, to stay for a period of one year from the date of entry, and to allow them to engage in employment without work permit as an incidental activity of their holidays for the purpose of supplementing their travel funds. 3.
2 この協定は,ワーキング・ホリデー制度の参加者として有効な査証又は一時滞在許可証を所持する相手国の国民に対し,入国の日から一年間の滞在を許可し,かつ,休暇の付随的な活動として旅行資金を補うために就労許可なしに就労することを認めるための法的な枠組みを構築するものです。
To apply for the Permit, you should provide the copies of your visa, passport and Foreign Residence Permit (if any) by fax or email..
許可証を申請するには、あなたのビザ、パスポート、外国人居留証のコピーを提供する必要があります(もしあれば)、ファックスまたはメールで。 3。


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