Home | English | Doubt vs. Suspect-Difference between and Examples

Doubt vs. Suspect-Difference between and Examples

June 8, 2023
written by Areej Khan

In the English language, certain words may appear synonymous but carry distinct meanings and usage. “Doubt” and “suspect” are two such words that often lead to confusion. Although they both involve uncertainty or skepticism, they are employed in different contexts and convey different levels of conviction. This article aims to elucidate the disparities between “doubt” and “suspect” by providing clear definitions, examples, and comparative analysis. By exploring their meanings and usage in various scenarios, we can better comprehend the nuances between these two terms.

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Table of Contents

Meanings and Examples

Doubt meaning

It is a noun or verb. The meaning of Doubt refers to a feeling of uncertainty, skepticism, or lack of conviction about something.

Doubt Examples

a) She expressed doubt about the accuracy of the survey results.

b) I doubt whether we will reach our destination on time due to the heavy traffic.

c) His remarks left me with lingering doubts about his intentions.

Suspect meaning

It is a verb or noun. The meaning of suspect denotes having a belief or supposition that someone or something may be involved in wrongdoing or questionable activity.

Suspect Examples

a) The police suspect him of being involved in the theft.

b) I suspect that she has been secretly planning a surprise party for me.

c) The detective gathered evidence to support her suspicions about the suspect.

Difference between Doubt and Suspect

NounA feeling of uncertainty or skepticismA person believed to be involved in a wrongdoing
VerbTo be uncertain or skeptical about somethingTo believe or suppose someone or something is involved
ExampleShe expressed doubt about the accuracy of the survey resultsThe police suspect him of being involved in the theft
GrammarNoun or verbVerb or noun

Usage in a Paragraph

As she read the news article, she couldn’t help but doubt its authenticity. The lack of credible sources and conflicting information cast doubt on the article’s credibility. On the other hand, the detective began to suspect the neighbor’s involvement in the recent burglary. After gathering evidence and observing suspicious behavior, she had reasonable grounds to suspect him. The doubt in the article’s reliability and the detective’s suspicion towards the neighbor exemplify the distinction between doubt and suspect.

Distinguishing between “doubt” and “suspect” is crucial for effective communication and comprehension. “Doubt” revolves around uncertainty or skepticism, while “suspect” entails having a belief or supposition of someone’s involvement in wrongdoing. By using these terms appropriately, we can express our level of uncertainty or suspicion accurately and avoid confusion in our conversations and written expressions.

File Under:
  • English vocabulary

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