Invalid Mobile Number

Request Attention 👀

I received the above email that my mobile number is invalid and has been included in MNRL, while I checked I did not find my number in MNRL. Also, my number is active receiving all kinds of SMS and calls. Neither did I receive any such message/email from from bank and other organisations whose services I use. Please look into this matter and fix your buggy system.

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@PravinJ @RahulDeshpande @Dhan_Help

Got the same email me also

As per this email this list add those numbers that are not used from long time or closed.

I am using the same number on my all bank account, ITR portal, Gov ID’s, on all places and get hundreds of messages regarding trading and banking related SMS, call.

So how this possible to named into list?
I think this is serious issue and need to resolve on prompt basis, otherwise closing account is the only way to overcome this issue.


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It seems that the issue is from Dhan’s end. It could be a new intern at work.

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Hi @SmallCapHunter,

As @onkar has rightly pointed out, we get these mobile numbers from TRAI (Telecom Regulatory Authority of India), who sends the lists to Exchanges.

As per Exchange circulars (linked in the email that we need to communicate the same to our users. We do not play any role in deciding the numbers that go in this list.

If you feel you have been incorrectly included in this list, simply email us at or call us at 022-48906273 to confirm your mobile number.

P.S. You can check that your number is indeed present in TRAI’s list by visiting this link. Here are the steps:

  1. Click on “Download MNRL” and select “Personal use”.
  2. After you verify your mobile, download the .rar for July (or the latest month as applicable)

I have checked my number is not listed in MRNL. MRNL is also used by banks, financial institutions and other brokers. While non of my other broker and bank notified me about this but only Dhan. I repeat again my number is not in MRNL.

@onkar is saying the same thing, his number is also active but he has also received the same email.

@SmallCapHunter as per my conversion over the call with @Dhan team, they update to respective agency, and no need to take action from customer side.

So simply call the @Dhan care on given number or simply request support to call you and complete the process.
