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英语翻译It’s(so like you just to show up at my doorAnd act like nothin’s happenedYou think I’ll sweep my heart up off the floorAnd give it to youLike so many times beforeYou’re talking to a strangerI’m not that girl anymoreThat girl is long goneBoy you missed

2022-07-08 07:08:57   来源:
导读 想必现在有很多小伙伴对于英语翻译It’s so like you just to show up at my doorAnd act like nothin’s happenedYou thi

想必现在有很多小伙伴对于英语翻译It’s so like you just to show up at my doorAnd act like nothin’s happenedYou think I’ll sweep my heart up off the floorAnd give it to youLike so many times beforeYou’re talking to a strangerI’m not that girl anymoreThat girl is long goneBoy you missed the boat it just sailed awayLong goneShe’s not drowning in her yesterdaysBetcha never thought I’d be that strongWell this girl is long goneDon’t waste your breath with baby baby pleaseCuz I am so not listeningDon’t bother getting down upon your knees and try to beg meI’m tired of how you twist the truthYou’re not talking to the same girlWho used to forgive youThat girl is long goneBoy you missed the boat it just sailed awayLong goneShe’s not drowning in her yesterdaysBetcha never thought I’d be that strongWell this girl is long goneGone like the wind under Superman’s capeLike a thief in the night I made the great escapeI’m not the kind of girl that keeps making the same mistakesThat girl is long goneBoy you missed the boat it just sailed awayLong goneI’m not drowning in my yesterdaysBetcha never thought I’d be that strong,betcha didn’tYeah well baby I proved you wrongThis girl is long gone,long goneThis girl is long gone,long goneThis girl is long goneThis girl is gone一首Lady Antebellum的歌,上面是歌词,我希望可以得到它的翻译,","title_text":"英语翻译It’s so like you just to show up at my doorAnd act like nothin’s happenedYou think I’ll sweep my heart up off the floorAnd give it to youLike so many times beforeYou’re talking to a strangerI’m not that girl anymoreThat girl is long goneBoy you missed the boat it just sailed awayLong goneShe’s not drowning in her yesterdaysBetcha never thought I’d be that strongWell this girl is long goneDon’t waste your breath with baby baby pleaseCuz I am so not listeningDon’t bother getting down upon your knees and try to beg meI’m tired of how you twist the truthYou’re not talking to the same girlWho used to forgive youThat girl is long goneBoy you missed the boat it just sailed awayLong goneShe’s not drowning in her yesterdaysBetcha never thought I’d be that strongWell this girl is long goneGone like the wind under Superman’s capeLike a thief in the night I made the great escapeI’m not the kind of girl that keeps making the same mistakesThat girl is long goneBoy you missed the boat it just sailed awayLong goneI’m not drowning in my yesterdaysBetcha never thought I’d be that strong,betcha didn’tYeah well baby I proved you wrongThis girl is long gone,long goneThis girl is long gone,long goneThis girl is long goneThis girl is gone一首Lady Antebellum的歌,上面是歌词,我希望可以得到它的翻译,方面的知识都比较想要了解,那么今天小好小编就为大家收集了一些关于英语翻译It’s so like you just to show up at my doorAnd act like nothin’s happenedYou think I’ll sweep my heart up off the floorAnd give it to youLike so many times beforeYou’re talking to a strangerI’m not that girl anymoreThat girl is long goneBoy you missed the boat it just sailed awayLong goneShe’s not drowning in her yesterdaysBetcha never thought I’d be that strongWell this girl is long goneDon’t waste your breath with baby baby pleaseCuz I am so not listeningDon’t bother getting down upon your knees and try to beg meI’m tired of how you twist the truthYou’re not talking to the same girlWho used to forgive youThat girl is long goneBoy you missed the boat it just sailed awayLong goneShe’s not drowning in her yesterdaysBetcha never thought I’d be that strongWell this girl is long goneGone like the wind under Superman’s capeLike a thief in the night I made the great escapeI’m not the kind of girl that keeps making the same mistakesThat girl is long goneBoy you missed the boat it just sailed awayLong goneI’m not drowning in my yesterdaysBetcha never thought I’d be that strong,betcha didn’tYeah well baby I proved you wrongThis girl is long gone,long goneThis girl is long gone,long goneThis girl is long goneThis girl is gone一首Lady Antebellum的歌,上面是歌词,我希望可以得到它的翻译,","title_text":"英语翻译It’s so like you just to show up at my doorAnd act like nothin’s happenedYou think I’ll sweep my heart up off the floorAnd give it to youLike so many times beforeYou’re talking to a strangerI’m not that girl anymoreThat girl is long goneBoy you missed the boat it just sailed awayLong goneShe’s not drowning in her yesterdaysBetcha never thought I’d be that strongWell this girl is long goneDon’t waste your breath with baby baby pleaseCuz I am so not listeningDon’t bother getting down upon your knees and try to beg meI’m tired of how you twist the truthYou’re not talking to the same girlWho used to forgive youThat girl is long goneBoy you missed the boat it just sailed awayLong goneShe’s not drowning in her yesterdaysBetcha never thought I’d be that strongWell this girl is long goneGone like the wind under Superman’s capeLike a thief in the night I made the great escapeI’m not the kind of girl that keeps making the same mistakesThat girl is long goneBoy you missed the boat it just sailed awayLong goneI’m not drowning in my yesterdaysBetcha never thought I’d be that strong,betcha didn’tYeah well baby I proved you wrongThis girl is long gone,long goneThis girl is long gone,long goneThis girl is long goneThis girl is gone一首Lady Antebellum的歌,上面是歌词,我希望可以得到它的翻译,方面的知识分享给大家,希望大家会喜欢哦。 我也非常喜欢这首歌,这是我自己翻译的,望喜欢.像什么事都没发生一样出现在我的门前这就是你的风格你认为我会把我的心从地上捡起然后把它给你像以前的很多次一样你在和一个陌生人说话我再也不是那个女孩了那个女孩已经远去男孩你错过了刚刚驶走的船早已远去她没有沉溺在她的过去你肯定没想到我会变得这么坚强这个女孩早已远去不要再在“宝贝,宝贝,求你”上浪费时间因为我也没有在听不要以跪下试图祈求我来打扰我我已经厌倦了你是怎样扭曲事实你不是在和同一个女孩讲话那个过去经常原谅你的女孩那个女孩已经远去男孩你错过了刚刚驶走的船早已远去她没有沉溺在她的过去你肯定没想到我会变得这么坚强这个女孩早已远去像在超人斗篷下的风一样远去我勇敢的逃跑了就像一个在夜里的小偷我不是那种会犯同样错误的女孩那个女孩已经远去男孩你错过了刚刚驶走的船早已远去我没有沉溺在我的过去你肯定没想到我会变得这么坚强,打赌你没有宝贝,我证明了你的错误这个女孩早已远去,早已远去这个女孩早已远去,早已远去这个女孩早已远去这个女孩早已远去,早已远去



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