
GAG on Gays Against Groomers: Sara Higdon

 Here’s another creepy Groomer pretending to be a champion of children: Sara Higdon.

Sara is a man pretending to be a woman.

And Sara is A-OK with sex work:

There is nothing wrong with sex work, period. Except people like you would throw the worker in jail for doing what they want. Self responsibility, your body your choice. The government isn’t our parent. (Oh sex work is legal in so many forms)— Sara Higdon (@SaraHigdon_)  December 7, 2020


You understand banning porn and sex work in general only makes trafficking worse right? What two consenting people do is non of yours or the gov business.— Sara Higdon (@SaraHigdon_)  August 22, 2021

Are parents so desperate for advocates and support, that they are willing to hook up with confused men playing women, who in turn want to promote women selling their bodies.

These confused, damaged people cannot be role models or spokesmen for key causes. They need help, not enabling. They need to get help, not presume to help others.

I simply cannot understand why any adult thinks that normalizing transgenderism will somehow help them protect their children from transgenderism, in turn. 

Tagged Gays Against Groomers, LGBT, libertarianism, Moms for Liberty, Sara Higdon, sexual perversion Leave a comment

Gays Against Groomers Reveals All: It’s All About Protecting Their “Rights”

Gays Against Groomers is only interested in the gays, themselves, and protecting themselves from being called “groomers.” The head of Gays Against Groomers, Jaimee Michell, admitted as much in the video below:

The woke just got served🤣 by  @againstgrmrs after these women had the audacity to tease a Black man, a Hispanic woman, and a lesbian who thinks CSE is child abuse.

Wokism is fake…it allows true bigots to hide behind a mask and perpetate their own intolerance & bigotry.  pic.twitter.com/AUfcLho84o— Scarlett Johnson (@scarlett4kids)  October 25, 2022

She clearly says “You are the reason why our are rights will be rolled back.” And what rights are they, exactly? No one really has a right to marry. Each one of us must ask for the privilege of marrying another person. No one can demand that the other person submit to that marriage. The marriage sacrament is not about adults, but about children and about the community as a whole. It’s about more than the man and the wife.

To repeat, marriage involves a man and a woman. It’s not about two men. It’s not about two women.

Gays Against Groomers should be called “Grifters Against Groomers” or “Gays who Don’t Want to Be Called Groomers.” It’s time to call out this nonsense and say “NO!” to the normalization of homosexuality and transgenderism.

People are not “born that way.”

People do not discover at a young age that they were “born that way.”

The behaviors are not natural, but actually quite harmful and demeaning.

No one’s identity is tied up with their sexual feelings, and we should stop turning sexual perversion into a civil right. You cannot say that you oppose sexual perversion on children if you are engaging and celebrating the perversion yourself.

Tagged First Amendent, Gays Against Groomers, Grifters Against Groomers, Homosexuality, LGBT, sexual perversion, Stand for Truth, Tell the Truth, transgenderism Leave a comment

Redondo Beach Library Director Defends Pushing Pornography on Kids

Redondo Beach Library Director
Susan Anderson

Last November, as I was working with parents from the Reonddo Beach Unified School District fighting the health mandates and the CRT-LGBT indoctrination in the school system, I also started inspecting the books that are available to the general public in the main library.

Lo and behold, the Redondo Beach Main Library had This Book is Gay in their selection.

This books contains some of the most odious, explicit, and disturbing sexual content. The book actually teaches young people how to engage in the most perverse sexual acts, and even encouages minors to sleep with adults!

Here are samples of the rot in that terrible book:


The book is full of bizarre medical misinformation.


A how-to guide for teenagers on repulsive sexual perversions.


When I submitted a formal challenge to this book, this is the response that I got from the Redondo Beach Library Director Susan Anderson:

Susan Anderson is OK with this porn being peddled on children. She needs to be as far away from the Redondo Beach library as possible.
Contact the Redondo Beach City Council, the Redondo Beach Library Commission, and the Redondo Beach library and demand Anderson’s ouster and the removal of this sick book This Book is Gay!

Redondo Beach City Council Contacts

Mayor Bill Brand
City of Redondo Beach
415 Diamond Street
Redondo Beach, CA 90277
Telephone: (310) 372-1171 ext. 2260
FAX: (310) 379-9268


Nils Nehrenheim
Council Member, District 1
415 Diamond Street
Redondo Beach, CA 90277
Telephone: (310) 318-0689
Cell: (424) 374-7168
Fax: (310) 379-9268


Todd Loewenstein
Council Member, District 2
City of Redondo Beach
415 Diamond Street
Redondo Beach, CA 90277
Telephone: (310) 318-0679
Fax: (310) 379-9268


Christian Horvath
Council Member, District 3
City of Redondo Beach
415 Diamond Street
Redondo Beach, CA 90277
Telephone: (310) 318-0667
Cell: (424) 262-4471



Zein Obagi, Jr.
Council Member, District 4
City of Redondo Beach
415 Diamond Street
Redondo Beach, CA 90277
Telephone: (310) 318-0693
Fax: (310) 379-9268


Laura Emdee
Council Member, District 5
City of Redondo Beach
415 Diamond Street
Redondo Beach, CA 90277
Telephone: (310) 318-0669
Fax: (310) 379-9268


Susan Anderson, Library Director



Tagged California, corruption of a minor, Homosexuality, LGBT, Redondo Beach, Redondo Beach Library, sexual perversion, Smut, Susan Anderson, This Book is Gay, transgenderism Leave a comment

What PRIDE Really Represents

Every time you see a PRIDE flag or banner in a shop or the window of a home, consider the following. That location is celebrating:

1. a creepy adult who preyed on a minor, causing them terrible sexual confusion.

2. bad teachers who indoctrinate students to believe lies about male and female.

3. pornography being pushed on children, all under the guise of diversity and inclusion.

4. children being warped by pornography at a young age, and struggling with sexual identity and behaviors afterwards.

5. people dying before their time because of venereal disease and mental health issues

6. normalizing trauma in hurting adults, who were harmed as children

7. predators who hide their perverse desires by pretending to be allies for one cohort of individuals

Just keep that in mind …

Tagged Homosexuality, LGBT, PRIDE, sexual perversion, Stand for Truth, transgenderism, Truth Leave a comment

Open Secret: Homosexuals Are Homophobic

“Dear Straight People” Pro-Gay Website
Has Lost of Homophobia

It’s not very often that one finds homosexual activists telling the truth. They offer all kinds of lies to justify their broken lives and destructive habits:

1. I was born this way.

2. Society is punishing me for being born this way.

3. If only society would accept it the way that I was born, I would be OK.

4. My parents love me because they accept me for whom I am, i.e. gay, trans, etc.

And so on.

Of course, no one is “born that way.”

It is not the fault of any culture that there is so much harm and self-destruction among homosexuals.

Even in the most LGBT-affirming countries, all the health and mental problems that afflict homosexual populations are still prevalent.

And it’s not love for parents to enable their children to fall into LGBT behaviors. That is actually a form of hate.

But, as I wrote at the outset, homosexual activists will sometimes tell the truth.

Check out these rather blunt truths that Sean Foo from “Dear Straight People” shared with the public:

Why Open Relationships Are Common Among Gay Men

The original URL link writes “Why Polyamory is Common Among Gay Men.”

Homosexuals engage in multiple relationships, indulge in multiple sexual partnerships.

What’s going on? Why is this happening?

Sean Foo “spills the tea”:

Open relationships are rampant among gay men! No, I do not have any credible statistics or evidence to back my claim up. But if you happen to have any gay friends, chances are, he will probably tell you in a very jaded tone that monogamous gay relationships are fast becoming nothing but a gay fairy-tale.

Ok, maybe that was a slight exaggeration. Monogamy isn’t completely dead in the gay community, but it isn’t exactly the norm either. While polygamy does exist among heterosexual couples, it isn’t frowned upon in the gay community in the same way that it is among straight people. Polygamous straight couples tend to keep their swinging practices to themselves. Polygamous gay couples on the other hand, are generally pretty open to acknowledging that they aren’t sexually exclusive to one another.

Sean Foo
Out-Homo … Phobe

It’s an official and unofficial fact that homosexual conduct is conducive to promicuity, and as Sean himself admits, they are “proud” of it!

But Sean shares more:

And the general consensus for why open relationships are not only common, but generally accepted among gay men is that simply well, gay men are sluts!

Wow! This is pretty derogatory. One out-homosexual admits that other homosexuals are sexual deviants, promiscuous, abusing their bodies with themselves and other people. Pretty shameful, but clearly honest.

Indeed, a number of studies confirm that homosexuals have on average fifty partners. FIFTY!

And the self-loathing, the homophobia does not stop there:

Gay men however, aren’t as heavily influenced by social norms as straight people are. Gay men have always lived outside the rules of society. The same-sex attractions we experience naturally makes us social misfits. Thus, it follows logically that gay men aren’t going to adhere to social norms as much as straight people do. We are left to our own devices, each of us developing our own perspectives on how a relationship should be like. Some gay men subscribe to the heteronormative concept of monogamy. Others however, find the monogamous nature of heterosexual relationships irrelevant, thereby choosing to have an open relationship instead.

In other words, homosexuals only care about themselves. They don’t care about the needs of their partner or rather “partners.” They give themselves permission to break all rules, customs, and modes of acceptable conduct, because, once again, they want to play victim, claiming that their attractions are “normal.”

However, is there anything really normal, or even acceptable about a male having abusive intercourse with fifty strangers on average?

Here’s more proof of homosexual homophobia, from Sean Foo no less:

Dear Gay Men, Let’s Stop Hating Each Other!

Wow! Sean admits that homosexuals hate each other … but they also hate themselves!

Let’s face it, we hate a lot of things. We hate homophobic people. We hate ourselves. We hate each other.

Homosexuals are a pretty hateful bunch, aren’t they? And they admit it!

Homophobia within the gay community is a longstanding issue, one that is often swept under the carpet. Instead of addressing the homophobia prevalent within the gay community itself, we often rather focus on the hate coming at us from the straight community because that seems so much more easier to deal with.

Yet again, homoexual activist Sean Foo plays victim, talking about the so-called “straight community” and their hate for homosexuals. The truth is that people who oppose homosexuality do not come from a place of a hate, but a place of truth. The behaviors themselves are intrinsically disorderded, and they harm the individuals who practice them along with society as a whole. The people who push for militant, imposed “acceptance” of these behaviors are wreaking untold havoc on communities around the world, as well.

Again, telling people the truth is not hate. Lying to people, that is a form of hate. Forcing a deceptive, deceitful agenda on adults and children–that is a form of hate.

So, already, we expose that homosexuals are hateful to themselves, because they are giving into a lie to abuse their bodies. And now they plainly admit that they hate each other:

The cause of homophobia from within the gay community itself however, isn’t as obvious. Despite the fact that gay activists regularly preach about the importance of love during their campaigns, their message of love seems to have gotten lost within the gay community.

“Love is love” really is just an empty slogan among homosexuals, both the activists and those who don’t really say or do anything besides … one another. (However, the truth is that every homosexual is inevitably an activist, determined to normalize his–or her–perversion to the world and to seek then demand acceptance.)

From here, Sean Foo does not merely “spill the tea,” but rather releases a tsunami of homophobia:

I mean, homophobia within the LGBT community is rampant! There are the gay men who taunt the fat ones. The gay men who detest the feminine ones. The gay men who ridicule the closeted ones. The gay men who only talk to other gay men of a certain race or ethnicity. The gay men who get labelled sluts after having sex on the first date. The gay men who get labelled sluts after having sex on the fifth date. The gay men who get labelled sluts after only having sex once. I could go on and on but I am sure you get the picture by now.

There is so much hate, and so little time to keep up with all of it.

Truly, the homosexual movement is built on homophobia. So much self-loathing inevitably leaks out into loathing other people. No matter how many sexual encounters a male (or female) may have with other same-sex partners, the love, respect, and intimacy they are seeking remains wanting. The deeper emotional, emotional, and psychological turmoil which they face on a day-to-day basis is never assuaged, never appeased, never resolved.

They have been lied to by a dedicated political effort to normalize something which can never be normal, and to believe something which is emphatically untrue, from the inside out.

Homosexuals are homophobic, and they cannot help but be so. There is no escape for them out of those perversions, and they are embittered by the pain and suffering which fines no outlet in sexual promiscuity.

Tagged Dear Straight People, homophobia, Homophobic, homosexual, hypocrisy, LGBT, Sean Foo, sexual confusion, sexual perversion, Singapore Leave a comment